I help brands stand out in the digital era.

— Niklas Forsman

With experience from companies across the Nordics

From the automobile industry to interior decor, scent and lifestyle brands.

With experience from companies across the Nordics

From the automobile industry to interior decor, scent and lifestyle brands.



2023 - 2024

Head of International Marketing

Verhoomo Sorsa Oy

When Verhoomo Sorsa Oy wanted to expand to the Swedish market I got on board. My tasks included building their website, doing marketing campaigns, SEO and SEM. I also upheld contact with out Swedish customers.

2023 - 2024

Marketing internship

PartyLite Oy

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Bachelor of Business Administration

Arcada University of Applies Sciences

Completing my academic journey at Arcada, where I am currently immersed in the writing of my thesis on Artificial Intelligence. My fascination with technology and innovation led me to delve into the realm of AI, exploring its transformative potential in the field of marketing.